Business Insider日前根据统计发布The 19 hottest jobs for 2016,如果你希望在新的一年找到一份好工作,或者将来毕业能有个好前程,那么,你就来对地方了。
CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. (EMSI)编译了一份最热门的职位名单,2016年需求最大的岗位,基于供给和需求(公司每个月发布的招聘广告数量超过他们实际雇用的人数),增长,和工资数据。
Web开发人员(Web developer)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 45,790
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 22,282
Median hourly earnings: $30.52
会计师或稽核员(Accountant or auditor)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 27,900
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 133,042
Median hourly earnings: $31.70
注册护士(Registered nurse)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 199,082
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 171,097
Median hourly earnings: $32.04
语言病理学家(Speech-language pathologist)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 22,410
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 9,641
Median hourly earnings: $34.40
网络和计算机系统管理员(Network and computer systems administrator)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 51,068
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 36,640
Median hourly earnings: $36.44
职业治疗师(Occupational therapist)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 26,072
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 11,952
Median hourly earnings: $37.89
产业工程师(Industrial Engineer)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 47,279
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 25,426
Median hourly earnings: $39.18
物理治疗师(Physical Therapist)
Gap between monthly job postings and hires: 39,711
Job growth (2010 to 2015): 27,473
Median hourly earnings: $39.61