English Linguistics
课程信息: 介绍英语语言学研究的核心领域包括形态学、句法、语音学、音韵学和语用学。本课程训练学 生使用图书馆的 OPAC 系统,专门的网站、邮件列表和数据库,其中 ICE-GB 文集,是基于 UCL 英语用法调查的结果建立的。
核心课程: English Grammar and Methodology Either English Corpus Linguistics or English Language in Use Research Methodology
Applications are welcome from candidates who have at least a second-class Bachelor's degree in English Language or Literature from a UK university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.
Top career destinations for this degree English Language Teacher, BGS College English Language PhD, University College London (UCL)
English Teacher, Institute of English Study Consultant, Tiandao Education Group
Department: Culture, Communication and Media:
1.AppliedLinguistics MA
This programme will provide students with insight into applied linguistics and language education from global, bilingual, cognitive, discourse, and socio-cultural perspectives.
It will also develop students' capacity to analyse, evaluate and synthesise primary and secondary sources as well as helping them to design research.
核心课程: Discourse, Society and Culture
Normally a minimum of a second-class UK Bachelor's degree in a relevant subject (e.g. English, languages, linguistics, communication), or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard is required.
Graduates of this programme include university and college lecturers, senior managers and directors of study in private and state sector schools, textbook and materials writers, editors and publishers, education journalists, NGO project officers, education consultants, policy advisers and researchers, and consultants in the aviation industry.
2. Digital Media, Culture and Education MA
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/graduate/taught/degrees/digital-media-culture-educat ion-ma
课程信息: 探索媒体教育、媒体读写能力以及相关领域;通过理论与实际相结合教授学生图像制作,网络 文化以及网游涉及相关的知识。
帮助学生审查新媒体发展的态势,新技术在教育领域的应用, 以及关于媒体在社会中的地位和作用的争论。
核心课程: Digital Media, Cultural Theory and Education
▪ Internet Cultures: Theory & Practice
▪ A minimum of a second-class UK Bachelor's degree in a relevant subject (e.g. media studies, culturalstudies, art, education, digital media, interactive media, English.
▪ A minimum of a second-class UK Bachelor's degree in a relevant subject (e.g. media studies, culturalstudies, art, education, digital media, interactive media, English.
Graduates of this programme are currently working across a broad range of areas. Some areworking as teachers in primary, secondary schools and further and higher education, while othershave jobs as within areas related to digital media.
Graduates can also be found working as museumand gallery education officers and in other informal learning spaces.
3. Music Education
▪ Disciplines of Music and Music Education Part I
▪ Disciplines of Music and Music Education Part II
Normally a minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university, or an overseasqualification of an equivalent standard in music, music education and/or arts education, or a relatedfield of study.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ Primary School Class Teacher (Music), Starks Field Primary School
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Head of Music Department), Pimlico Academy
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Music), Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College for Girls
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Music), Old Palace of John Whitgift School
▪ PGCE Secondary Teaching (Music), Middlesex University
4. TESOL Pre-Service MA
This programme will give students a critical awareness of language and discourse systems requiredfor teaching as well as current theories of language acquisition and of factors affecting thisacquisition.
Students will also explore the methods and approaches currently used in Englishlanguage teaching, the place of English and English language teaching in the wider world and theconcept of multilingualism.
There will also be an opportunity to carry out a piece of advancedresearch in an educational context.
This programme will enhance the employment prospects of graduates who hope to become ESOLpractitioners but who have no paid teaching experience of English language teaching.
对比 UCL: TESOL MA Programme
课程偏实践,着重研究英语教学的方法;理论 研究从语言习得的角度出发探究其影响因素
▪ Fundamentals of Second and Foreign LanguageTeaching
▪ Teaching English: Theories and Approaches
▪ The English Language Learner
2 等学位,要求至少两年全职的语言教学经历或
1 等学位,有至少两年兼职的语言教学经历
2 等学位,要求专业背景为英语或者语言学,无工作经历要求
Pre-service 专业职业前景:
这是一个新的项目,首批学生毕业于 2015 年,毕业生适合的工作领域广泛。有些人可以从事教师工作包括早期的英语教师到高等教育,而另一些人会成为教科书和教学材料作家、编辑和为出版商工作。毕业生也将被培养成为教育记者,NGO /发展人员,教育顾问,政策顾问和研究人员。
Department: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
1. Development Education and Global Learning MA
This programme provides students with a grounding in the current research and practice ofdevelopment education, global learning and global citizenship.
It also provides opportunity forparticipants to reflect critically on their own engagement and interest in these areas and how theylink to broader educational debates, such as those related to education quality, aid anddevelopment, sustainable development, poverty and global inequality.
▪ Development Education in the Era of Globalisation
▪ Principles and Practices of Development Education
Applicants are expected to have a minimum of a lower second-class UK Bachelor's degree oroverseas qualification of an equivalent standard, and an interest in education and learning aboutglobal and development issues.
2. EducationMA
This programme is designed for participants across the world, and explores the global forces thatinfluence education, encouraging students to relate their learning to their contexts. Optionalmodules from specialist fields are available and students can customise their studies to theirinterests.
Students have excellent levels of support, including access to a personal tutor for theduration of the programme and an online learning environment which has discussion areas andlinks to online resources and library support.
▪ What is Education?
▪ Understanding Research
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or an overseas qualification ofan equivalent standard. (Please note: one or two optional modules may have additional, specificentry requirements).
Graduates from the Education MA have gone on to be successful in a variety of fields related toeducation. Graduates who are already in teaching positions have reported that they have beenpromoted, often to senior leadership positions.
Other graduates have gone on to find new jobs intheir related fields, which has included education at all phases (from early years through to highereducation), and policy and research contexts. Many of our graduates work in international contexts,and some are working on plans to open their own schools, or are working with NGOs on educationand development projects.
Some have also gone on to undertake further research on PhDprogrammes.
3. Educational Assessment
The programme provides students with the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding ofassessment issues, practices and policies both in the UK and internationally. They will join the onlyMA programme in London affiliated with the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (CIEA),benefiting also from fast rack to chartered assessor status, on successful completion of theprogramme.
▪ Assessment: Issues and Practice
Normally applicants are expected to have a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university, oran overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, and a clearly expressed interest in educationalassessment, gained largely through experience. Teaching, assessment development andimplementation, and/or policy experience is very welcomed, but not a requirement.
4. Geography EducationMA
This programme offers students the opportunity to develop a personal response to the challengesof geography education, looking at the contribution geography will make to educating young peoplein the future.
It will also encourage students to seek publication for excellent pieces of courseworkand research and will advance professional skills and knowledge of successful geography subjectleadership.
▪ Leading the Geography Curriculum
▪ What is Education?
Normally a minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or anoverseas qualification of an equivalent standard is required.
Top career destinations for this degree:
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Head of Geography), Edmonton County School
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Head of Geography), Lawrence Sheriff School
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Head of Geography), Lincroft School
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Head of Geography), St Paul's Girls' School
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Head of Geography), Wilmington Grammar School for Girls
5. Science Education
▪ Foundations of Science Education
▪ Understanding Research
▪ What is Education?
The minimum entry requirement is a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or anoverseas qualification of an equivalent standard. However, those who do not meet the minimumrequirements should contact the Programme Leader.
Work experience will be taken into account.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ Secondary School Teacher (A level Chemistry), Unspecified High School
▪ Secondary School Teacher (Deputy Curriculum Leader for Science, Unspecified School and Sports
▪ Sixth Form Teacher (Chemistry), Brunei
Department: Education, Practice and Society
1.History of Education
▪ Debates in the History of Education
▪ What is Education?
A minimum of a second-class UK Bachelor's degree in an appropriate subject, or an overseasqualification of an equivalent standard from a recognised higher education institution.
2. Philosophy of EducationMA
This programme enables students to explore further the relevance of ethics, political philosophy,philosophy of mind and epistemology to contemporary educational issues and to bringphilosophical thinking to bear on their own educational concerns including professional practice.Students will gain a grounding in philosophical approaches, becoming part of a lively community ofMaster's and doctoral students from a wide range of backgrounds
▪ Philosophy of Education: Values, Aims and Society
▪ What is Education?
A minimum of a second-class UK Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate subject, or an overseasqualification of an equivalent standard from a recognised higher education institution.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ College and Adult Teacher (Business, ICT and Finance), Tower Hamlets College
▪ Lecturer, Universidade Catolica de Mozambique (Catholic University of Mozambique)
▪ Primary School Class Teacher (Year 2), Gulf English School
▪ Assistant Vice-Principal, Bridge Academy and studying MA Philosophy of Education, Institute of
Education, University of London (IOE)
Department: Psychology and Human Development
1.Child Development MSc
This programme provides a high-quality education in the main theories, methods, and findings ofpsychological research relating to child development.
The programme aims to enable independentlearning and an approach to developmental psychology that is both informed and critical.
Participants have the opportunity to conduct research that contributes to the field of childdevelopment.
▪ Developmental Psychology
▪ Methodology and Statistics
▪ Social Development
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university, or an overseas qualification ofan equivalent standard, either in psychology or a related subject, that has been accredited bythe British Psychological Society.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ College Lecturer, Morley College
▪ Senior Lecturer, Middlesex University
▪ Mentor, The National Autistic Society
▪ MRes in Research Methods in Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London
▪ Behavioural Support Practitioner, Care UK and studying Advanced Professional Diploma Positive
Behaviour Support, NHS Wales (Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol Cymru)
2. Developmental and Educational Psychology MSc
Students will develop in-depth knowledge of specialised research skills, and be able to use a broadrange of methods to critically appraise and conduct rigorous research in the field. Students learnhow to assess the contribution of psychology to policy goals and how to evaluate education policies.
▪ Methodology and Statistics
▪ Qualitative Data Analysis
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor’s degree that contains at least 60 credits (excluding year 1) in the five coreareas of psychology (Biological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personalities andIndividual Differences and Social Psychology).
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ Trainee Work Psychologist, Jobcentre Plus
▪ Family Support Worker, Action for Children
▪ Assistant Psychologist, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Gadjah Mada University)
▪ Special Support Assistant, St. Anthony's School
3. Education(Psychology)MA
▪ Core Topics in the Psychology of Education
▪ Methodology and Statistics
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalentstandard, in psychology or a related discipline (for example, education, social science, cognitive science,speech/communication science or neuroscience).
If the degree does not contain any psychology components,there is a Skype interview to determine suitability for the programme.
4. Special and Inclusive Education MA
By the end of the programme, students should be able to:
▪ contribute to contemporary international and national debate in the field of special education andinclusion and disability studies
▪ produce and communicate evidence-informed, reasoned argument in writing and orally
▪ demonstrate how concepts, theories and evidence can inform an understanding of issues and practice
▪ carry out a focused special, and inclusive education inquiry into educational practice
▪ enhance professional practice through greater knowledge, skills, understanding and awareness.
▪ Concepts and Contexts of Special and Inclusive Education
▪ Research Design and Methodology
A minimum of a lower second-class Bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university or an overseasqualification of an equivalent standard. Applicants will also normally have some related professional experience.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ Secondary School Teacher (IT), Langley Park School
▪ Special Educational Needs (SEN) Teacher, Special School of Piraeus
▪ Special Educational Needs (SEN) Teaching Assistant, Grange Primary School
▪ Special Needs Support Assistant, The UCL Academy
▪ Behavioural Co-Ordinator, The National Autistic Society
Environmental Design and Engineering
1.Build Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering MSc
The programme aims to develop students' knowledge and expertise in problem solving in the areaof the built environment, and provide a framework for developing innovative thinking in the designand operation of buildings, placing associated environmental issues in a global, national andpersonal context.
▪ The Built Environment: The Energy Context
▪ Health, Comfort and Wellbeing in Buildings
▪ Building Solar Design
▪ Natural and Mechanical Ventilation of Buildings
▪ Efficient Building Service Systems
▪ Methods of Environmental Analysis
The normal minimum qualifications are a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or anoverseas qualification of an equivalent standard.
For applicants without a first degree or full professional membership, but with relevant andsubstantial work experience in the field, a special qualifying examination may be set. Details of thisroute can be obtained from the Bartlett's Graduate Faculty Office.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ Environmental Design Engineer, Neapoli.
▪ Energy Consultant, XCO2 Energy
▪ Graduate Engineer, Arup
▪ Environmental Engineer, XCO2 Energy
▪ Sustainability Consultant, Arup and studying Environment Facility Management, University CollegeLondon (UCL)
2. Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings MSc
Students will focus on the role of the built environment in health and wellbeing within the contextof the sustainability agenda;key design, engineering and public health principles; practical toolsapplicable in professional practice to sustainably support health and wellbeing in buildings; relevantbenchmarking, modelling and monitoring methods; and approaches to creating a business case forhealthy and productive buildings.
▪ Health, Comfort and Wellbeing in the Built Environment
▪ Health and Wellbeing in Cities: Theory and Practice
▪ Indoor Air Quality in Buildings
▪ Integrated Building Design for Health, Comfort and Wellbeing
▪ Methods of Environmental Analysis
▪ Wellbeing in Buildings: Theory and Practice
Normally a second-class UK Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. architecture, engineering,physics and other relevant disciplines such as built environment or public health) is required, or anoverseas qualification of an equivalent standard.
It is anticipated that students taking this programme will find employment in architectural andengineering companies and specialist consultancies dedicated to the design and/or evaluation ofsustainable buildings with a strong focus on health, wellbeing and human performance (e.g.productivity).
Additional career paths may be found within in-house building design and operationalteams, and in public sector agencies concerned with built environment and/or health and wellbeingissues.
The MSc can also provide a foundation for MPhil/PhD research
3. Light and Lighting MSc
Students develop an understanding of a wide range of topics associated with the design of the litenvironment including lamp and luminaries’ technologies, the impact of light on architectural formand the human reaction to light.
The programme provides a holistic approach to light and lighting sothat graduates have both the vision to design beautiful lit environments and the skills necessary toensure that they are successfully engineered.
▪ Lighting Fundamentals
▪ Lighting Applied Calculations
▪ Lighting Research
▪ Advanced Lighting Design
The normal minimum qualifications are a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or anoverseas qualification of an equivalent standard.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ Lighting Designer, Arup
▪ Architect / Lighting Designer, Demicoli Associates
▪ Research- Architectural Lighting, University College London (UCL)
▪ Lighting Designer, Paul Nulty Lighting Design
▪ Lighting Designer, Projection Lighting
Urban Studies MSc
▪ Urban Imaginations
▪ Cities, Space and Power
▪ Urban Practices
Normally a minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline from a UKuniversity or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ MA Geopolitics, Territory and Security, King's College London
▪ International Development Intern, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
▪ Planning Management Professional, Huafa Group
▪ Researcher Associate, Federal Council
▪ Designer, Pilot Projects and studying PhD Urban Planning, Columbia University
Information Studies
Publishing MA
The programme equips students with both a practical insight into how this complex industryfunctions and a range of transferable skills.
These include training in editorial, sales and marketingskills, publishing business plans and their successful delivery, contract negotiation and copyrightmanagement, production processes, digital contexts, innovation and entrepreneurship.
▪ Author Management
▪ Publishing Contexts
▪ Publishing Entrepreneurship
▪ Publishing Skills
▪ Sales and Marketing
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or an overseas qualification ofan equivalent standard.
Top career destinations for this degree
▪ Copyright Assistant, The Orion Publishing Group
▪ Digital Content Editor, Bloomsbury Publishing
▪ Marketing Assistant, The Random House Group
▪ Publishing Assistant, BMJ (British Medical Journal)
▪ Rights Assistant, Laurence King Publishing
International Development and Education
Development Education and Global Learning MA
This programme provides students with a grounding in the current research and practice ofdevelopment education, global learning and global citizenship.
It also provides opportunity forparticipants to reflect critically on their own engagement and interest in these areas and how theylink to broader educational debates, such as those related to education quality, aid anddevelopment, sustainable development, poverty and global inequality.
▪ Development Education in the Era of Globalisation
▪ Principles and Practices of Development Education
Applicants are expected to have a minimum of a lower second-class UK Bachelor's degree oroverseas qualification of an equivalent standard, and an interest in education and learning aboutglobal and development issues.
Materials Discovery
Advanced Materials Science MSc
The programme aims to equip students with advanced, comprehensive knowledge of materialsscience and related state-of-the-art technologies, an understanding of the structure, properties andapplications of materials, scientific research skills, and the insight and capability to be anentrepreneur in the field.
In addition, students will engage in a literature project and a six-monthcutting-edge research project.
▪ Advanced Materials Characterisation
▪ Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing
▪ Materials Design, Selection and Discovery
▪ Microstructural Control in Materials Science
▪ Research Methodology
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or an overseas qualification ofan equivalent standard.