Ukpathway 告诉你!2:2也能去华威大学(university of Warwick)读研究生啦!
华威大学(The University of Warwick),全球百强名校,英国顶尖研究型大学 ,历年最高排名为全球48名(2015年QS排名)。华威大学位于英国英格兰中部华威郡和考文垂市的交界处,创立于1965年,以其高水准的学术研究和教学质量而闻名,在英国主流媒体排名中,稳居英国前十,在QS世界大学排名中稳居全球百强、乃至前五十名。
华威大学在2014年英国官方公布的REF排名中,科研质量(GPA)位列第7名[5] 、科研实力(Research Power)位列第14名;在2016/17泰晤士英国大学排名中位列第7名;在QS世界大学排名中位列2016-2017年度第51名。在2017年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中位列第82名。
The Department of Chemistry
MSc Analytical Science & Instrumentation
‐ Lower second class honours degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry or a related subject
Analytical Sciences and Instrumentation is delivered by internationally leading experts from the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Engineering and Life Sciences as well as guest lecturers from our industrial partners. Students gain hands-on practical experience with a range of equipment relevant to each discipline, enabling our graduates to work in any modern laboratory. This MSc will give you an excellent opportunity to start your career in the field analytical sciences.
▪ Mass Spectrometry
▪ Chromatography & Separation Science
▪ Team Research Project: Real World Analysis
▪ Electrochemistry & Sensors
▪ Principles & Techniques in Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
▪ Magnetic Resonance
▪ Techniques for the Characterisation of Biomolecules
▪ Microscopy & Imaging
▪ Statistics for Data Analysis
▪ Transferable Skills
Department of Computer Science
MSc in Computer Science
‐ 2:ii undergraduate degree (or equivalent) or higher in a mathematical, scientific or analytical discipline
The course has two components - a taught component and a dissertation. The taught component will allow you to acquire expertise and industrially relevant technical skills in cutting edge areas of computer science, including agent based systems, high performance systems, game theory and bioinformatics, as well as experience of project management, academic writing and scientific method.
The research focus of our course means our students develop with a rigorous understanding of scientific principles alongside a breadth of technical skills, making them suited to industry and scientific research. Popular industries for graduates of our course include consultancy, defence, finance and technology, perhaps because the advanced nature of our programmes allows them to take up senior positions within these industries at an early stage of their careers.
Warwick Medical School
MSc Health Research
‐ We welcome applications from graduates with at least a 2:2 honours degree, or equivalent qualification, in an appropriate subject.
Our students have included graduates from a range of disciplines who have an interest in health. This includes:
▪ Biology
▪ Organisation science
▪ Behavioural science
▪ Social sciences
▪ Education
▪ Medical and health sciences
▪ Epidemiology and Statistics
▪ Understanding Research and Critical Appraisal in Health Care
▪ Qualitative Research Methods in Health
华威郡(英语:Warwickshire,英文简称:Warks/Warwicks,又译华威郡,沃里克郡),英国英格兰西米德兰兹的郡,沃里克是郡治。1974年4月1日后,沃里克郡的西部脱离其管辖范围,成为西米德兰兹郡,使沃里克的外表呈畸形。以人口计算,纳尼顿是第1大镇,拉格比是第2大镇,利明顿皇家矿泉是第3大镇,贝德沃思是第4大镇。 沃里克郡没有包含单一管理区,无论把它看待成非都市郡还是名誉郡,其面积都是1,975平方公里(非都市郡第28、名誉郡第31),人口都是522,200(非都市郡第24、名誉郡第40)。
其中华威城堡是华威特色景点。华威城堡是英格兰最出众的中世纪城堡之一,始建于 914 年,拥有 1100 年曲折璀璨的历史。
这座雄伟壮阔的堡垒巍然屹立于埃文河岸,最初只是 1068 年的征服者威廉在这里修建的防御工事。18 世纪 50 年代才华横溢的能人布朗设计并建造了占地 64 英亩的花园。
它不仅仅是一座城堡,相关方面进行了各项努力,通过演员演绎、故事渲染、每日现场表演和精彩的历史名胜,使得这个地方生机勃勃,充满活力 这里为旅客设置了理想的场景,可供他们真正体验古堡生活,走进它在不同历史时期的沧桑岁月。