- 目前没有雅思,或者语言成绩不理想的同学。
- 在秋季入学申请中,申请失败或者没有拿到梦校offer的同学。
- 在本科阶段由于重修/补考等,无法达到秋季入学条件的同学。
- 因为高考/考研不顺利,而又不想复读/二战的同学。
- 留学准备比较晚,导致错过英国秋季申请的同学。
格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow),位于英国苏格兰地区的格拉斯哥市,始建于1451年,世界百强名校,英语世界国家第四古老的大学,罗素大学集团和Universitas 21成员。
经济学之父亚当·斯密、工业革命之父詹姆斯·瓦特、苏格兰哲学之父弗兰西斯·哈奇森、热力学之父开尔文男爵,现代抗菌药之父约瑟夫·李斯特,中国近代地质学之父丁文江, 英国首相亨利·坎贝尔·班纳曼和安德鲁·博纳·劳,现任苏格兰首席部长尼古拉·斯特金,加拿大麦吉尔大学创办人詹姆斯·麦吉尔等大批杰出校友均为社会的发展进步做出了贡献。
- MSc Aerospace Engineering
- MSc Aerospace Engineering & Management
- MSc Biomedical Engineering
- MTh Church History & Theology
- MSc Civil Engineering
- MSc Civil Engineering & Management
- MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering
- MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management
- MSc Electronics & Photonics Manufacturing
- MSc Mechanical Engineering
- MSc Mechanical Engineering & Management
- MSc Mechatronics
- MSc Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
- MSc Sustainable Energy
考文垂大学(Coventry University)是一所坐落于英国英格兰西米德兰兹郡考文垂的公立研究型大学,为江苏—英国高水平大学联盟 (JS-UK 20+20 World-Class University Consortium)成员。
Faculty of Engineering,Environment&Computing

Faculty of Business &Law

牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)始建于1865年。

伦敦玛丽女王大学 QS排名 125
- MSc Banking and Finance
- MSc Management
- MSc Marketing(有可能会取消,暂时未确定)
约克大学 QS排名 162
- MSc Nursing (Adult)-2 years
- MSc Nursing (Mental Health)-2 years
阿伯丁大学 QS排名 220
- MSc Archaeology
- MSc Archaeology of the North
- MSc Cultural Heritage
- MSc Geographical Information Systems
- MSc Geophysics
- MSc Oil and Gas Enterprise Management
- MSc Planetary Sciences
- MSc Sustainability Transitions
- LLM Business Law and Sustainable Development with Dissertation
- LLM Criminal Justice
- LLM Criminal Justice and Human Rights
- LLM Energy and Environmental Law with Dissertation
- LLM Energy and Environmental Law with Professional Skills
- LLM/MSc Energy Economics and Law
- LLM Energy Law with Dissertation
- LLM Energy Law with Professional Skills
- LLM General Law
- LLM Human Rights and Criminal Justice
- LLM Intellectual Property Law
- LLM Intellectual Property Law with Professional Skills
- LLM International Commercial Law with Dissertation
- LLM International Commercial Law with Professional Skills
- LLM International Dispute Resolution
- LLM International Human Rights
- LLM International Law
- LLM International Law and International Relations
- LLM International Law, Security and Strategic Studies
- LLM International Trade Law
- LLM International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation with Professional Skills
- LLM Natural Resources Law
- LLM Oil and Gas Law with Dissertation
- LLM Oil and Gas Law with Professional Skills
- LLM Public International Law
- MRes/MSc Environmental Science
- MLitt Creative Writing
- MSc Cultural and Creative Communication
- MLitt English Language and Literature
- MLitt Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management
- MSc Global Business Communication
- MLitt Literatures, Environments and Places
- MMus Music
- MSc TESOL-Teaching English to Speakers of Others
- MSc Translating and Interpreting Studies
- MSc Translation Studies
- MSc Global Health and Management
- MPH Master of Public Health
- MSc Medical Imaging
- MSc Medical Physics
- MSc Microbiology
- MSc Physician Associate Studies
- MSc Global Health and Management
- MPH Master of Public Health
- MSc Medical Imaging
- MSc Medical Physics
- MSc Microbiology
- MSc Physician Associate Studies
- MSc Advanced Energy Materials
- MSc Artificial Intelligence
- MSc Data Science
- MSc Information Technology
- MSc Psychological Studies
- MSc Energy Politics and Law
- MSc International Finance and Political Relations
- MSc International Political Economy
- MSc International Relations
- MSc International Relations and International Law
- MSc International Relations and Management
- MLitt Museum Studies
- MSc Peace and Conflict Studies
- MSc Policy Evaluation
- MSc Sex, Gender, Violence
- MRes Social Anthropology
- MRes Social Science
- MSc Sociology
- MSc Strategic Studies
- MSc Strategic Studies and Energy Security
- MSc Strategic Studies and International Law
- MSc Strategic Studies and Management
拉夫堡大学 QS排名 256
London Campus:
- MA/MSc Design Innovation
- MSc Diplomacy and International Governance
- MSc Diplomacy, Business and Trade
- MSc Diplomacy, Politics and Trade
- MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy
- MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
- MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation
- MSc Digital Entrepreneurship
- MA Global Communication and Social Change
- MA Media and Creative Industries
- MSc Sport Marketing
- MSc International Management
- MSc International Human Resource Management
- MSc International Management & Emerging Economies
- MSc Risk, Governance & International Management
- MA International Development
- MSc International Sustainable Development
- 赫瑞瓦特大学 QS排名 281
- MSc Artificial Intelligence
- MSc Artificial Intelligence(2 years)
- MSc Computing(2 years)
- MSc Data Science
- MSc Data Science(2 years)
- MSc Robotics
- MSc Software Engineering
- MSc Business Psychology
- MSc Business Psychology with Human Resource Management
- MSc Business Psychology with Intercultural Communication
- MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management
- MSc Civil Engineering with Industry Placement(2 years)
- MSc Construction Project Management with Industry Placement(2 year)
- MSc Design Management
- MA Digital Design and Innovation
- MA Fashion and Textiles Design
- MSc Fashion and Textiles Management
- MA Interior Architecture and Design
- MSc Energy
- MSc Global Environmental Change and Policy
- MSc Global Sustainability Engineering
- MSc International Business Management
- MSc International Business Management with Finance
- MSc International Business Management with HRM
- MSc International Business Management with Industry Placement
- MSc International Business Management with Marketing
斯特拉斯克莱德大学 QS排名 325
- MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
- MSc Advanced Construction Technologies & BIM
- MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace
- MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Energy Systems
- MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Materials
- MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Power Plant Technologies
- MSc Advanced Naval Architecture
- MSc Biomedical Engineering
- MSc Civil Engineering with specialist streams
- MSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering
- MSc Engineering Management for Process Excellence
- MSc Environmental Engineering
- MSc Marine Engineering
- MSc Mechatronics & Automation
- MSc Offshore Floating Systems
- MSc Satellite Data for Sustainable Development
- MSc Ship & Offshore Structures
- MSc Subsea & Pipeline Engineering
- MSc Supply Chain & Logistics Management
- MSc Supply Chain & Procurement Management
- MSc Supply Chain & Sustainability Management
- MSc Sustainable Engineering: Marine Technology
- MSc Sustainable Engineering: Offshore Renewable Energy
- MSc Technical Ship Management
- MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy
- MSc Criminology & Social Policy
- MSc Education Studies
- MLitt Media & Communication
- MSc TESOL & Intercultural Communication
- MSc Advanced Computer Science
- MSc Advanced Software Engineering
- MBA, full-time Glasgow
- MSc Business Analysis & Consulting
- MSc Business & Management
- MSc Finance
- MSc International Management
- MSc International Accounting & Finance
- MSc Marketing
邓迪大学 QS排名 354
- MSc Accountancy
- MSc Accounting, Management and Strategy
- MSc Accounting & Finance
- MRes Business Research Methods
- MSc Finance and Banking
- MSc Finance
- MSc Finance and Investment
- MSc Finance and Risk
- MSc International Business
- MSc International Banking, Finance and Investment Management
- MSc International Banking and Finance
- MSc International Banking
- MSc International Accounting
- MSc International Business and Strategy
- MSc International Business and Human Resource Management
- MSc International Business, Accounting and Finance
- MSc International Business and Investment
- MSc International Business and Finance
- MSc International Business and Marketing
- MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship
- MSc International Business and Management
- MSc International Business, Marketing and Human Resource Management
- MSc International Business, Banking and Finance
- MFin International Finance and Investment Management
- MFin International Finance, Risk and Regulation
- MFin International Finance
- MSc Islamic Banking, Finance and International Business
- MSc Islamic Banking and Finance
- MSc Islamic Finance
- MSc Management and International Human Resource Management
- MSc Management and Finance
- MSc Management
- MSc Management and International Marketing
- MSc Management and Entrepreneurship
- MSc Management, Strategic and Leadership
- MSc Professional Accountancy
- MSc International Marketing and Branding
- MSc Digital and Social Media Marketing
- MSc International Marketing and Management
- MSc International Marketing and Finance
- MSc International Marketing
- MSc Business Analytics
- MEd Education(Leading Learning & Teaching)
- MEd Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages-TESOL
- MSc Psychological Therapy in Primary Care
- MSc Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design
- MSc Data Science & Engineering
- MSc Educational Assistive Technology
- MSc Human Anatomy
- MSc Industrial Engineering and International Finance
- MSc Industrial Engineering and Management
- MSc Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship
- MSc Medical Imaging
- MSc Biomedical Engineering
- LLM Business & Human Rights
- LLM Corporate & Commercial Law
- LLM Comparative & European Private International Law(Dual Qualifying-University of Toulouse)
- LLM Environmental Law
- LLM International Commercial Law(Dual Qualifying-CY Cergy Paris University)
- LLM International Commercial Law
- LLM International Energy Law and Policy
- MSc International Energy Commerce
- MSc International Energy Commerce and Finance
- MSc International Energy Studies and Oil and Gas Economics
- MSc International Energy Studies and Energy Finance
- MSc International Energy Studies and Energy Economics
- LLM International Oil and Gas Law and Policy
- LLM International Mineral Law and Policy
- MSc International Mineral Resource Management
- MSc International Oil and Gas Management
- LLM Law(General)
- MSc Sustainability and Water Security
- MSc Sustainability
- MSc Sustainability and Renewables
- MSc Sustainability and the Just Transition to a Low Carbon Economy
- MSc Sustainability and Environmental Modelling
- LLM The Low Carbon Just Transition
- MSc Sustainability: Climate Change and the Green Economy
- LLM Comparative & European Private International Law
伦敦皇家霍洛威大学 QS排名 402
Royal Holloway London Graduate School:
- MSc Cyber Security Project Management
- MSc Software Project Management
- MSc Project Management
- MSc Engineering Management
- MSc Digital Marketing
- MSc International Business Management (Strategy and Leadership)
- MSc International Business Management
- MSc International Business Management (Marketing)
近期@道道学堂 微博转发活动,有价值300RMB的论文辅导课程免费赠送,还可以选专业课辅导试听课程!