Imperial College London
Department of Medicine
a. MSc Immunology
2.2 Honours degree in an appropriate science subject, medicine, dentistry or veterinary science.
▪ Core & Innate Immune System in Health
▪ Adaptive Immunity in Health
▪ Immune Regulation
▪ Mini-Research Project (MRP)
▪ Immunity in Disease
b. MSc Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses
2.2 Honours degree in biological science, medicine or veterinary science.
▪ 在分子水平上深入了解病毒与病毒相互作用过程;
▪ 提供一个支持性的学习环境;
▪ 提供优秀的实验室和研究技能培训;
▪ 为有意攻读博士学位的研究者提供坚实的研究基础;
▪ 培养毕业生从事学术或工业研究的事业
Document Required: Thesis
The thesis should not exceed 10,000 words. It should be divided into the following sections:
Title Page
▪ Acknowledgements
▪ Table of Contents
▪ Abbreviations
▪ Abstract (approximately 1/2 to 1 page)
▪ Introduction (approximately 10 to 20 pages)
▪ Materials and Methods (approximately 10 pages)
▪ Results (approximately 10 pages)
▪ Discussion (approximately 10 pages)
▪ References (approximately 10 pages)
The thesis should be typed, with lines double spaced and with suitable margins to permit binding.
Each major section (Introduction, Material and Methods etc.) should start at the top of a new page.
Paragraphs should be made clearly visible either by indenting the first line (by 5 spaces) or by leavingan additional blank line between paragraphs.
Before you start writing your thesis, it is a good idea to look at some previous theses to see what thefinished ones look like. Ask your supervisor to recommend the best examples.
c. MSc Molecular Medicine
2.2 Honours degree in medicine, biological dentistry or veterinary medicine.
Topics covered include:
▪ Nucleic acids
▪ RNA transcription
▪ protein synthesis and processing
▪ gene expression
▪ recombinant DNA
▪ vectors
▪ transfer of genetic information
▪ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing
▪ genetic engineering
▪ immunochemistry
▪ protein structure and X-ray crystallography
▪ mass spectrometry
▪ glycobiology
▪ molecular biology databases and computation
▪ basic immunology
▪ gene mapping technologies
National Heart and Lung Institute
MSc Medical Ultrasound
2.2 Honours degree in medicine or a biological, engineering or physical science subject.
This full- or part-time programme aims to provide cliniciansand medical scientists with intensive training in both thetheoretical basis of medical ultrasound and the requiredscanning and diagnostic skills in the various specialities.
The programme is both academic and vocational in nature. Itaims to produce students who can use research anddevelopment skills in order to develop the field of MedicalUltrasound.
This course is widely recognised as an important qualificationfor people intending to pursue a career in Medical Ultrasound.
Every year, a high proportion of the students goon to study for an MD(Res) or PhD.
Most of the medicallyqualified students return to clinical practice, where the MScprovides a solid background for further research.
Others havegone into a wide range of careers, including specialisedsonographers, physiologists, and other healthcareprofessionals in the NHS or abroad.
School of Public Health
MSc Epidemiology
a good degree in a quantitative health science or in mathematics or statistics from a
University of good standing.
▪ Introduction to Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis
▪ Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
▪ Infectious Disease Modelling
▪ Principles of Global Epidemiology