Nancy QIAN

我于2016年10月加入UK Pathway并担任教育顾问。凭借多年的海外教育经验,我在定制留学方案、文书润色、申请进度跟踪和与申请院校沟通方面积累了丰富的经验。秉承对教育行业的热情,我希望将来能帮助更多的学生在理想的学校开始崭新的学习篇章。
Job Title:Senior education consultant
I joined UKPathway as an Education Consultant in October 2016. With years of experience in overseas education, I have accumulated extensive skills in making customerised overseas study plans, polishing paperwork, tracking application and communicating with universities. With an passion of the education industry, I hope to help more students to embark new academic journeys at their ideal schools in the future.