Xu Wang

我毕业于华威商学院并在海外教育行业工作了5年。丰富的海外工作及学习经验使我具备了一些国际视野和专业技能。基于这些经验,我能从学生的立场出发,在选校时为他们提供合理且实际的建议,以及为他们做最后决定,并帮助学生确定目标。我致力于为学生制定科学、合理和个性化的海外留学方案,并跟进整个申请流程, 从而全力完成我的各项工作。
Job title:Senior Education Consultant
Graduated from Warwick Business School, I have been working in the overseas education industry for 5 years. My extensive overseas work and study experiences have equipped me with an international outlook and professional skills. With all these at hand, I can offer reasonable and realistic suggestions about selecting schools and making final decisions for students from their stands and help students to set goals. I have endeavoured to create scienctific, reasonable and personalised overseas study plans and follow up the whole application process, and devoted to completing all my job.