
我于2018年4月在英国的UK Pathway开始了我的职业生涯,目前我在中国的总部---杭州工作。前期我负责申请材料的准备和为学生制定专业的海外留学方案,现在我作为连接学生及申请院校之间的桥梁,主要负责与学生沟通、跟进他们的申请状态并帮助他们解决整个申请过程中可能出现的问题。UK Pathway是我职业生涯的起点,也是众多申请人的最佳选择。
Job Title:Education Consultant
I began my journey in UKPathway Consultancy Group since April 2018 and I am, currently,working in its headquater of China - Hangzhou. After taking charge of preliminary duties, including early-stage material preparations of applications and making professional oversea study plan for students, I am responsible for being a bridge to connect students and their applied universities at present, communicating with student to follow up their application status and helping them solve problems appeared in the whole application process. UKpathway is where my career life begins and it will also be the best place for numerous applicants.